Beyond Diagnosis: Mental Health Interventions for Schools

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Training for schools to deal with distress, restore well-being and promote resilience, preventing mental health disorders.

“As a setting where children and adolescents live and learn, linked to the family and embedded within the wider community, schools have an important influence on every student’s health”

Lancet, 2021

This Masterclass introduces an approach to working with schools to address the needs of the rising number of Children and Young people presenting with mental health problems currently.

It is estimated by the Centre for Mental Health that 1.5 million under-18s will need new or extra help with their mental health as a direct result of Covid, The record 420,314 young people being treated every month by NHS services are likely to be part of the total, but even if they all are that still leaves almost 1.1 million more yet to seek help.

An approach to working with children and young people will be presented which integrates three Evidence based approaches which can be trained and delivered to help school understand the role of Adverse Childhood Experiences and their association with over 40% of mental health responses in children and young people, and to intervene to prevent longer term harmful impacts.

The MindEd ACEs Training for schools, provides a model to help schools develop a compassionate culture, and classroom management. Approaches to “Deal with Distress’ helps foster resilience across all students.

The ‘Hope for Children and Families intervention resources’ help staff work with individual students presenting with anxiety, low mood, mitigating the effects of significant adversity and disruptive behaviour.

Senior Mental Health Leads, Pastoral Leads, Designated Safeguarding Leads, School Counsellors, School Nurses, SENCOs, members of the SLT should attend.

Masterclass aims and objectives:

  • Understanding the link between adversity and troubling mental health problems
  • Identify the role of the school in dealing with distress
  • Be clear on the benefits of promoting well-being across your school and how it can best be done
  • Put steps in place to help prevent mental health disorders
  • See the school as an institution to develop a compassionate culture and classroom management
  • Introducing The MindEd ACEs Training for schools

Facilitated by:

Dr Arnon Bentovim

Visiting Professor Royal Holloway, Director Child and Family Training, Former Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist
Royal Holloway U of L, Hospital for Sick Children Great Ormond Street and the Tavistock Clinic

Carol Jolliffe

Child and Family Training UK

Luke Ramsden

Award Winning Deputy Head
St Benedict’s School, Ealing

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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