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Following the launch of the SEND Review in September 2019, the government has found that the outcomes for children and young people with SEND are poor, falling way behind expected standards. The SEND consultation makes it clear that improvements need to be made to the system, as well as everyday practices within schools to change pupils’ experiences.
Join us at this essential conference for a day full of practical sessions focusing on what your school can do to improve outcomes for pupils with SEND in mainstream provision. You will hear from a range of experts on topics such as; improving consistent identification, making inclusion manageable, improving collaborative working and boosting attendance rates.
You’ll also hear up-to-date information about the progress of the crucial consultation, the likely outcome and what it will mean in practice for you.
“Children and young people with SEN have consistently worse outcomes than their peers across every measure. They have poorer attendance, make up over 80% of children and young people in state place-funded alternative provision and just 22% reach the expected standard in reading, writing and maths.”
“…we know that, too often, children and young people with SEND, and those educated in alternative provision, feel unsupported, and their outcomes fall behind those of their peers.”
This conference will enable you to:
- Ensure you are completely up to date with the proposed reform contained in the SEND Review
- Understand the challenges surrounding poorer outcomes for children with SEND
- Devise a plan for improving the identification of need within your school
- Consider how to offer consistent, prompt and targeted support for children upon identification
- Think strategically about your SEND provision so that you can embed a whole school culture that promotes improvement
- Improve how you work with families, carers, local authorities, and other partner agencies to work collaboratively to boost outcomes
- Build inclusive practices in your school to support the aim of keeping more children in mainstream schools
- Consider how you deploy teaching assistants in the classroom and whether improvements could be made
- Look at classroom practices to identify where changes could be made to improve the support for SEND pupils
- Audit your attendance policy to ensure that your guidance for SEND pupils and families is in line with new government guidance
- Implement new techniques for improving attendance rates for pupils with SEND