Understanding the links between Children’s Feelings, Thoughts, and Behaviour

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This masterclass will take you through a thorough and rigorous exploration of how, as adults, we can help children to understand that their internal world is affected by the external world and how what is seen by others is only a fraction of who we are.  We can then use this to respond to and support children in the most appropriate and supportive way.

Helping children make the connection between their feelings and their thoughts – that is their internal world – and their behaviour – that is what the external world sees of them – is a critical part of building their resilience and ability to learn and socialise.  As adults, accessing their internal world will in turn help us to respond appropriately and specifically to behaviours which may be challenging or difficult to understand.  Encouraging children to feel safe enough to share their feelings and thoughts and so knowing where ‘behaviour’ comes from can aid both child and adult.

Does your behaviour policy take account of the children who may come to you with insecure attachment, ACEs, overwhelming anxiety; and those children whose story of the world is one of uncertainty, threat and insecurity, how might their behaviour look?

Do you manage behaviour with a ‘can’ but ‘don’t want to’ or a ‘want to’ but ‘can’t’  methodology?  Because the story we tell ourselves about the child in front of us can be the deciding factor in how we respond to that child.

….It is also important for the schools to seek to try and understand the underlying causes of behaviour and whether additional support is needed.…Schools should adopt a range of initial intervention strategies to help pupils manage their behaviour and to reduce the likelihood of suspension and permanent exclusion….Some pupils will need more support than others and this should be provided as proactively as possible….

DfE Behaviour in Schools 2022

Who should attend?

Primary School Teachers, Pastoral Leads, Pastoral Support Staff, Behaviour Coordinators, Senior Leaders, PSHE Co-ordinators

Aims and key learning objectives:

  • See behaviour in the context of a child’s lived experience
  • Give opportunities for consideration of barriers to changing behaviour
  • Propose a broader understanding of ‘behaviour’
  • Offer strategies and resources to share with colleagues
  • Give opportunities for self-reflection and discussion
  • Supports CPD professional development  

You will leave the day with lesson plans and activities as well as an increased understanding of what more we can do to support all the children we work with.

Facilitator: Liz Bates

After working in schools for over 25 years, as a teacher and senior leader, Liz then worked as an advisor for Birmingham Local Authority and later with an educational charity for 10 years. As well as leading on Mental Health, Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Liz advised schools and other organisations in all aspects of Safeguarding.

Liz now works as an independent advisor working with schools and other organisations in a number of ways such as training staff and auditing wellbeing.  She has delivered presentations, workshops and research findings at national conferences.  Liz is the author of 8 books, teaching sets and resources that are used across the country and internationally by schools and by other professionals working with children and has written for a number of professional journals such as ‘The Psychologist’.  Liz has worked for the Anna Freud Centre and also works as a Wellbeing Award advisor and verifier for Optimus Education and is a Protective Behaviours practitioner, trainer and assessor.  Liz also sits as a Magistrate in the Family Court.


Facilitated by:

Liz Bates

Independent Advisor, Trainer and Magistrate

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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