Developing a Loving Pedagogy

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This course will explore what love looks like in practice and how we can foster a loving pedagogy in our provision

Love is everywhere but not always talked about in the context of an early childhood setting or school, yet from visiting hundreds of settings and schools and talking to thousands of practitioners, I know that love is very much present there. Love is perhaps a taboo word – a word so associated with intimacy and sexual relationships in the English language that we are understandably worried about using in the context of early childhood. I really want this to change and have coined the phrase loving pedagogy to describe what we do in our settings and schools, on a daily basis, to help children to feel loved, to feel a sense of belonging and put things like attachment theory into practice.

A parent would say they love a child because they are committed to caring for and protecting their children, putting their child’s needs before their own. Within education, love is about having intense feelings for our children but it is also about actions, for example, putting the needs of children first, holding them in mind and enjoying playing together. So, a loving pedagogy is evident when we place children and their needs at the centre of our provision.


Practitioners working across the whole birth to five age range in schools, pre-schools, nurseries or as childminders.


This session will enable you to:

  • Explore what we mean by love and pedagogy;
  • Consider what love looks like in practice;
  • Learn about speaking different love languages;
  • Consider the importance of positive touch and discuss how we might safely use touch in our practice;
  • Review and evaluate our practice in the light of a loving pedagogy.


Tamsin Grimmer is the early years director of Linden Learning, an associate of Early Education and teaches at both Norland College and Bath Spa University. She has a wealth of experience supporting Early Years Teachers and educators. Tamsin is passionate about young children’s learning and believes that all children deserve educators who are inspiring, dynamic, reflective and loving. She is a true advocate for adopting a loving pedagogy and has a keen interest in schematic play, promoting positive behaviour, supporting children’s emotional development and inclusion. Tamsin has written several books aimed at educators and particularly enjoys planning and delivering training and supporting early years educators to improve outcomes for young children.


Facilitated by:

Tamsin Grimmer

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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