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This one-day masterclass has been designed to support you to deliver an inclusive curriculum surrounding gender identity in your school.
“Schools should be a safe and welcoming space for all pupils, regardless of how they identify,”
“While the introduction of statutory relationships and sex education in England’s schools is a big step forward, we’re concerned the UK government’s new guidance for the subject falls short in equipping teachers to deliver high-quality and timely LGBTinclusive education. We’re particularly concerned by some of the confusing wording on teaching about trans identities, which only tells teachers what they shouldn’t teach about, rather than what they should.”
Statutory guidance makes it clear that pupils should be taught about sex, sexuality, and gender identity in an age-appropriate and inclusive way. In this difficult to navigate area, are you certain of what that looks like?
Join us to explore what an inclusive curriculum looks like to ensure that you are providing the right amount of information, at the right time. You’ll come away with practical suggestions about how to change practices and language to build a more inclusive environment.
You’ll look at the current guidance available for schools, to help you inform your teaching and whole-school approach to gender identity.
Delegates will have plenty of time for open discussion, so that you can discuss your current challenges with colleagues.
Headteachers and members of the SLT, Pastoral Leads, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and PSHE Leads should attend.
Key Learning Objectives
- Explore the benefits of delivering an inclusive curriculum for pupils as part of your RSHE curriculum whilst acknowledging the amount of information children and young people need to know without causing confusion and anxieties in this field
- Help you identify the ways in which you can make your practice more LGBT+ inclusive
- Provide some understanding and suggestions as to how we can change the language we use around relationships and gender to be more inclusive
- Ensure you are up to date on the current policies, guidance and laws that you should be following in your school
- Discover useful strategies to support pupils and their families to suit the ethos of your school community and the values within this.
- Signposting to resources that can support you in delivering inclusive lessons
Rebecca has over 18 years’ experience delivering Ageappropriate Relationship and Sex Education and training to Primary & Secondary Schools, Colleges, Pupil Referral Units, Youth Centre’s and Training Providers. Rebecca is a writer and Author of ‘Sex and Relationships in the Primary School; Speechmark Publishing’ and has been commissioned to write for a number of Education providers.
Rebecca’s portfolio of work includes a contract with the Department of Education as a Subject Matter Expert to advise around the staff training element of Relationships, Health and Sex education. Rebecca delivers a variety of workshops around the UK for staff training and parental engagement.
Rebecca qualified in 2003 with a BA Hons Degree in Education & English at Newman University Birmingham. Rebecca’s qualification profile also include certificates in Counselling Studies and Skills, The Royal College of Nursing Sexual Health Skills, PRINCE 2 and CIPD in Training & Development. Rebecca’s qualifications teamed with experience and publications ensure she is skilled at delivering some of the most challenging issues faced in teaching children and young people.
From working with the NHS as an SRE (Sex & Relationships Education) Advisor in Schools to work with Sexual Health Charities and Local Councils Rebecca is well known and respected in Schools and Educational Settings.