Strategies to Challenge your HPA Students

This Conference is now Closed

Two part masterclass:
Thursday 2nd March 2023, 4.30pm – 6.30pm
& Thursday 9th March 2023, 4.30pm – 6.30pm

This virtual masterclass, taking place over two twilight sessions, has been designed to help you to implement strategies to challenge HPA students in every classroom.

Ofsted reports show that many schools across England fall short of meeting the needs of the most able pupils. In reports published by Ofsted in June 2019 this figure was 45%. Most of the changes required in these schools were either a need for more challenge (67%) or more progress (28%) for the most able pupils. This Masterclass has been designed to meet both of those outcomes for schools.

  • How do you set high expectations in your class for the high prior attainers in a mixed ability class to flourish?
  • How do you develop higher order thinking skills with your students?
  • Are you looking for new teaching approaches to challenge HPA students?
  • How do we ensure HPA students flourish and make significant progress?

Surprisingly, Ofsted have found that only a third of schools visited are using pupil premium for HPA students. Pupil premium funds are supposed to be for every learner on free school meals regardless of their prior ability.

The course will explore new teaching approaches for challenging & extending HPA students and helping them to develop their critical thinking skills and learning behaviours necessary to ensure outstanding progress.

Who Should Attend 

Headteachers, Deputy Heads, Assistant Heads, and other members of the SLT

Key Learning Objectives
This Masterclass will enable you to:

  • Put curriculum at the heart of every lesson, with a clear vision for HPA students
  • Embed a ‘challenge culture’
  • Understand what research tells us about strategies that work with the most able students
  • Implement subject specific guidance using relevant resources
  • Encourage further development of critical thinking skills for your HPA students to support them to achieve their best possible outcomes
  • Boost creative and independent learning as a way improve attainment
  • Introduce metacognition techniques to develop independent learning skills

Facilitator: Peter Sharp, Senior Teaching & Learning Associate, JMC
Peter has taught in maintained and independent schools, including as Director of Teaching & Learning and Deputy Head (Academic) at a London boarding school. He will shortly become Chair of Governors of a maintained school in London and has experience as a team inspector for the Independent Schools Inspectorate. In the summer of 2021, he stepped down from his full-time role in school leadership to pursue his enthusiasm for supporting schools in their continuous improvement. As a Mountain Leader, sports coach and part-time philosophy student, he is passionate about the holistic education of life-long learners

Facilitated by:

Peter Sharp

Senior Teacheing & learning Associate
JMC Education

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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