“The changes proposed represent an evolution of how we currently inspect schools. They build on the strengths of our current framework and consider the significant changes across education and wider society over the past six years.”
Held in partnership with JMC Education
A new inspection framework is coming – are you ready?
Follow the conference on Twitter #ISIinspections2023
Following a consultation, ISI will be introducing a new inspection framework from September 2023. ISI intend to build on the strengths of the existing framework and develop it further, with a particular emphasis on the wellbeing of pupils. A renewed focus on leadership and management is evidenced by the intent to include a summary in the opening section.
Join us for this full-day conference to ensure that you are prepared for the forthcoming changes in time for your school’s next inspection. You’ll hear from leading experts in independent school inspections, including including three with significant inspection experience. You will have plenty of opportunity to put your questions to our speakers, with dedicated time for questions, a panel discussion and ample networking time.
Who should attend?
Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, and other members of the senior leadership team.
This conference will enable you to:
- Understand the proposed changes to ISI inspections from September 2023
- Actively promote the wellbeing of pupils in line with the new framework
- Be clear on what is meant by an area of exceptional practice and how this can be evidenced
- Lead on high quality teaching and learning and understand the additional focus ISI will have in this area
- Develop your understanding of equality, diversity and inclusion and its importance for student wellbeing
- Prepare your staff and colleagues for the forthcoming changes
- Network with colleagues and out your questions to our expert panel