This course will give an overview of supporting children with SEND in mainstream school settings.
In 2019, 41% of teachers reported that there is appropriate training in place for all teachers in supporting pupils receiving SEN Support.
The SEND Review gives a clear message that supporting pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is at the forefront of the government’s plan to level up opportunities for all children. With a focus on improving mainstream provision through upskilling the current workforce, it’s imperative that all staff have an understanding of the SEND system, their role in early identification and how they can support learner’s needs.
This brand new course has been developed by Lorraine Petersen OBE to give staff the perfect introduction to SEND, so that your school can drive improvement in outcomes for pupils with Special Educational Needs.
During the course of the day, you will have plenty of time to network with colleagues, discuss specific challenges and put your questions to Lorraine.
Early Careers Teachers, Recently Qualified Teachers, Teaching Assistants, aspiring SENCOs, Governors and any member of staff who wishes to upskill their SEND knowledge should attend.
Key Learning Objectives
This Masterclass will enable you to:
- Have a greater understanding of SEND legislation in relation to mainstream schools
- Have a greater understanding of Chapter 6 of the SEND Code of Practice 2015
- Understand the broad areas of need and the different difficulties that each contains
- Be able to draw upon a number of strategies to support children having difficulties in one or more area of need
- Have a greater understanding of how to use strategies, equipment and resources to develop inclusive classroom practice
Lorraine Petersen has 25 years’ experience in the mainstream school environment as a Teacher and Headteacher. From 2004 – 2013 Lorraine was CEO of nasen, a charitable organisation supporting all those who work with children and young people with SEND. She worked on a number of projects with various agencies including the Department for Education, the National College of Teaching and Leadership and UKTI, not to mention being a chair, keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at numerous national and international events and conferences