According to statistics from the DfE the rate of looked after children in England has risen every year since 2008, with predications that this trend will continue. We know that looked after children, amongst other challenges, face a widening attainment gap, an increased likelihood of SEMH needs and higher rates of permanent exclusions.
Join us for this brand new one-day conference designed specifically for schools to improve how they support the educational outcomes of looked after children. You’ll consider specific barriers to learning facing these children, including supporting behaviour that challenges and improving school attendance. This one-day conference will help you to understand how to better monitor progress and how to promote improved outcomes across the whole school community.
You will leave this virtual conference feeling empowered to make changes within your school that will make a real difference to the lives of looked after children.
More than half (52%) of looked-after children born in the academic year ending 1994 who attended school in England had a criminal conviction by the age of 24 years compared with 13% of children who had not been in care.
Who should attend?
Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, Designated Teachers, Heads of Year, Pastoral Leads, SENCOs and Designated Safeguarding Leads
This conference will enable you to:
- Improve your understanding of the challenging facing LAC in education
- Understand the additional vulnerabilities of LAC and the severity of the attainment gap
- Effectively track progress and outcomes for these vulnerable learners
- Get to grips with the potential impact of the designated teacher and their role and responsibilities
- Improve how you work with outside agencies
- Better support and understand pupils who exhibit challenging behaviour
- Consider the issue of high exclusion rates for LAC and what steps to take once a child begins on this path
- Improve the school’s contribution to the Personal Education Plan in order to increase their impact
- Get a better grasp of the role of the virtual school head and how to work in effective partnership
- Take action to monitor and improve attendance rates for looked after children