This masterclass will make the case that Pastoral Education is one of the greatest gifts we can give to young people. Delegates will be empowered with practical strategies for planning and delivering outstanding RSHE.
Despite Relationships, Sex and Health Education becoming statutory in 2020, many schools still feel ill-equipped to deliver the content. Complex and sensitive topics like peer-on-peer sexual abuse, LGBTQ issues and mental health can be tricky to navigate, but this masterclass will empower educators with knowledge, skills and practical strategies to deliver outstanding RSHE.
By attending this masterclass, delegates will acquire theoretical and practical understanding of:
- The why and how of outstanding Pastoral Education
- How to develop a clear aims and ethos for RSE
- How to empower your staff to feel confident in delivering RSE
- How to empower your students with outstanding RSE
- How to embed LGBTQ+ inclusion in RSE
- Effectively promoting sexual consent through RSE
- Pastoral Education as a tool to enhance physical health
- Pastoral Education as a tool to enhance self-esteem and personal empowerment
Secondary PSHE and RSE Leads, Secondary Pastoral Leaders, Secondary PSHE and RSE Teachers
Jo Morgan (BA, PGCE, PGCert) is a multi-award-winning professional speaker, trainer and consultant.
During her 15 years in teaching, she gained national attention and acclaim for her groundbreaking work on Relationships and Sex Education, LGBTQ+ inclusion and Wellbeing. Since then, she has been on a mission to spread the success of her initiatives to schools and universities across the UK and beyond.
As the Founder and CEO of Engendering Change, she leads a team of specialist consultants who, through inspirational training and community projects, empower individuals and organisations to rationalise and embrace a commitment to Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Wellbeing.
Jason has been delivering PSHE/ RSE talks and workshops in schools for over 10 years. His career in sexual health in the NHS sparked a passion for teaching Sex education. He has worked with schools all over the UK and Europe and believes in empowering young people with the knowledge they need to seek healthy relationships and the confidence to be proud of who they are. He also uses his experience as a personal trainer to deliver sessions on mental and physical health, inspiring young people to adopt healthy lifestyle choices. He helps give young people confidence in their appearance, realise the different influences on them and raise awareness of gender-specific social issues which impact upon body image.