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This one-day masterclass has been designed to support you to effectively deliver the primary RSHE curriculum.
Few teachers receive comprehensive training on delivering RSHE. In a recent review by Ofsted, it was found that around half of the schools they had spoken with were expecting delivery of the RSHE curriculum by staff without any formal training. Ofsted will inspect the delivery of RSHE in your school under the ‘personal development’ and ‘leadership and management’ judgements and so ensuring you are meeting your statutory requirements is critical. Getting the leadership and delivery of a carefully sequenced RSHE curriculum right is crucial for young people. For primary pupils it can provide the grounding for a positive, safe, and healthy outlook on relationships and sex. Join us for this one-day masterclass to explore topics surrounding the delivery of the primary RSHE curriculum. You will come away feeling empowered and confident in your ability to tackle this important role. There will be plenty of time for questions and discussion, so that you will come away with the answers you need.
Children and young people were rarely positive about the RSHE they had received. They felt that it was too little, too late and that the curriculum was not equipping them with the information and advice they needed to navigate the reality of their lives.
New and experienced RSHE Leads, Pastoral Leads, SENCOs, members of the SLT and anyone with responsibility for delivering PSHE in primary schools.
This masterclass will enable you to:
- Confidently deliver the statutory Primary RSHE curriculum
- Understand your legal obligations surrounding the teaching of Relationship and Sex Education in primary settings and why it is so important
- Improve how you work with parents, carers and families to ensure that you are able to take a whole-school approach
- Ensure that your teaching environment is a safe and inclusive space
- Explore how to appropriately and sensitively deliver topics taking into account the different values around culture, diversity and faith
- Understand how best to approach the delivery of sensitive topics
- Prepare for Ofsted inspection in relation to your RSHE provision
- Respond appropriately to questions from pupils
REBECCA JENNINGS: Rebecca has over 18 years’ experience delivering Age-appropriate Relationship and Sex Education and training to Primary & Secondary Schools, Colleges, Pupil Referral Units, Youth Centre’s and Training Providers. Rebecca is a writer and Author of ‘Sex and Relationships in the Primary School; Speechmark Publishing’ and has been commissioned to write for a number of Education providers. Rebecca’s portfolio of work includes a contract with the Department of Education as a Subject Matter Expert to advise around the staff training element of Relationships, Health and Sex education. Rebecca delivers a variety of workshops around the UK for staff training and parental engagement Rebecca qualified in 2003 with a BA Hons Degree in Education & English at Newman University Birmingham. Rebecca’s qualification profile also include certificates in Counselling Studies and Skills, The Royal College of Nursing Sexual Health Skills, PRINCE 2 and CIPD in Training & Development. Rebecca’s qualifications teamed with experience and publications ensure she is skilled at delivering some of the most challenging issues faced in teaching children and young people. From working with the NHS as an SRE (Sex & Relationships Education) Advisor in Schools to work with Sexual Health Charities and Local Councils Rebecca is well known and respected in Schools and Educational Settings.