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Changes to Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE) strengthens the guidance surrounding safeguarding vulnerable children. It is crucial that the relevant staff in schools understand the safeguarding challenges that are specific to certain groups of children and young people, and how to respond to them.
This comprehensive and advanced level virtual conference will take a close look at some of the most vulnerable groups in education, so that you are able take steps to ensure that your school not just meets its obligations but exceeds them.
The perfect event for DSLs and DDSLs wanting to do their advanced safeguarding CPD, as well as for the senior leadership team.
Who should attend?
Headteachers, Assistant Heads, Deputy Heads, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and other members of the SLT.
This conference will enable you to:
- Identify the groups and individuals who are vulnerable within your school community
- Ensure that your safeguarding policy takes account of all vulnerable groups
- Understand the additional safeguarding measures needed for children with SEND
- Keep pupils who are part of the LBBTQ+ community safe in your setting
- Make sure that your RSE and curriculum teaches inclusivity and tolerance towards your LGBTQ+ pupils
- Raise awareness of mental health problems and the link to abuse, neglect and exploitation
- Respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns for pupils with mental ill health
- Promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for refugees, asylum seekers and new migrants
- Understand the social and emotional challenges facing refugees and asylum seekers and the safeguarding issues they can raise
- Put appropriate safeguards in place for children with EAL
- Identify the additional safeguarding risks for some children from severely disadvantaged backgrounds
- Understand the safeguarding challenges for children missing education through poor attendance or exclusions
- Take appropriate steps for children with severe behaviour issues to identify any safeguarding concerns
- Supports CPD professional development