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Attend this masterclass to improve your understanding of SEND in early years to help you build a more inclusive and supportive environment.
Excellent early years provision can play a key role by identifying needs early and putting the right support in place so that children can progress.Research has found that high-quality early years provision for children significantly decreased the likelihood of a child being identified with SEN in later years.
Identifying children’s special educational needs early in their education is crucial to ensuring the best possible outcome for that child. It allows practitioners identify potential barriers to education and put provision in place.
The SEND Review makes clear the intention to focus on strengthening awareness of SEND in early years provision to improve the rates of early identification of need.
This half day masterclass has been put together to support early years practitioners to improve on their knowledge and understanding of SEND in early years and the regulatory framework. You’ll come away feeling more confident in your understanding of the most common conditions, how they can be recognised and diagnosed. Our expert speaker will also guide you through practical ways you can support children with SEND in your setting; from improved staff training to multi-sensory approaches.
Nursery Managers, Early Years SENCOs, Senior Early Years Practitioners
This Masterclass will enable you to:
- Improve your understanding of Special Education Needs in young children
- Have an overview of the most common conditions that can be identified in early years
- Understand how the assessment and diagnosis process works
- Better support children with SEND in your setting
- Implement practical tools and strategies for children with different conditions
- Improve your communication with parents and careers
- Understand your statutory obligations according to current guidance and legislation
Sam is a renowned speaker, trainer and author specialising in mental health and SEN. She has been a SENCo in a large secondary school and is a qualified Cognitive Behaviour Therapist and a Child and Adolescent Counsellor. Sam also set up a company providing mental health CBT programmes for schools. She is in high demand to speak at conferences and events and provides in-house training for schools and companies, nationally and internationally. Lauded for her humour and ‘telling it like it is’ approach to mental health, Sam has had her book Mental Health in Education published by Routledge,and regularly writes for several publications with more books in the pipeline for publication.