Supporting Staff Mental Health and Wellbeing

This Conference is now Closed

With mental health conditions on the rise, it is crucial that organisations know how to respond in the instance of staff mental ill-health.

Join us for this one-day masterclass for a complete guide to supporting staff mental health and wellbeing. Our expert speaker will take you through your legal responsibilities as well as looking in detail at how you can support staff with mental ill-health. During the afternoon you will consider the importance of taking proactive steps to support staff and how you can manage the stress in the workplace. You will come away feeling prepared to audit your current practice and put in place an action plan going forward.

During the course of the day, you will have plenty of time to network with colleagues, discuss specific challenges and put your questions to Sam.

This masterclass will enable you to:

  • Be clear on your legal responsibilities when it comes to your staff’s mental health
  • Lawfully manage absence for members of staff with mental ill health and support their return to work with reasonable adjustments
  • Understand how working in caring professionals can increase the risk of mental health issues
  • Support your staff who are facing mental health issues
  • Recognise early signs and symptoms, for common health concerns
  • More comfortably have difficult conversations with staff around mental health
  • Be proactive in offering support for staff mental health and wellbeing
  • Monitor, manage and respond to stress in the workplace
  • Put in place an action plan for auditing and improving your current provision

Meet your facilitator

Sam Garner

Mental Health & Inclusion Consultant & Director
Garner Education Services

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