Teaching Consent

This Conference is now Closed

Understanding the topic of consent and ways to effectively teach this sensitive topic in line with statutory RSHE requirements for your setting. The topic of consent is essential for learning about boundaries, respect and ultimately a way to for young people to them navigate the world around them safely. This workshop upskills those working within educational settings with the knowledge and resources to confidently teach and prompt discussions in the classroom around consent and healthy relationships. Understanding of the law and the statutory requirements for schools in terms of content to this topic is essential when planning and delivering workshops. In this short course we explore appropriate techniques to discuss the nuances around consent, the laws and the tools needed to deliver this valuable topic.

Head Teachers, Teachers, Support staff, Youth workers, PRU staff, mentors and teaching assistants


  • Ensuring your setting is meeting the RSHE requirements around consent and safe relationships through an age and stage appropriate curriculum.
  • Understanding the law around consent in relation to sexual contact, sexting and the offences of rape and sexual assault.
  • Exploring the nuances around consent with pupils and staff including signposting to teaching resources.
  • Understanding Consent and Bystander Intervention
  • Techniques to ensure a safe space for teaching sensitive topics within your setting
  • Techniques to answer questions pupils may wish to explore
  • Signposting to support services

Rebecca has over 18 years’ experience delivering Age-appropriate Relationship and Sex Education and training to Primary & Secondary Schools, Colleges, Pupil Referral Units, Youth Centre’s and Training Providers. Rebecca is a writer and Author of ‘Sex and Relationships in the Primary School; Speechmark Publishing’ and has been commissioned to write for a number of Education providers.

Rebecca’s portfolio of work includes a contract with the Department of Education as a Subject Matter Expert to advise around the staff training element of Relationships, Health and Sex education. Rebecca delivers a variety of workshops around the UK for staff training and parental engagement.

Rebecca qualified in 2003 with a BA Hons Degree in Education & English at Newman University Birmingham. Rebecca’s qualification profile also include certificates in Counselling Studies and Skills, The Royal College of Nursing Sexual Health Skills, PRINCE 2 and CIPD in Training & Development. Rebecca’s qualifications teamed with experience and publications ensure she is skilled at delivering some of the most challenging issues faced in teaching children and young people.

From working with the NHS as an SRE (Sex & Relationships Education) Advisor in Schools to work with Sexual Health Charities and Local Councils Rebecca is well known and respected in Schools and Educational Settings.

Facilitated by:

Dr Rebecca Barker

Consultant Anaesthetist, Deputy Clinical Chair for Surgical Division, Deputy Service Director & Clinical Lead for Anasthesia, PreOp Clinical Lead
Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

In-house Training

This course can be held at your organisation for up 25 delegates, we can tailor the content to suit your organisation and CPD needs of your staff. Led by experienced and highly rated trainers, in-house training works out cost-effective for groups and saves travel time.

Contact katym@hc-uk.org.uk with your requirements for further information and a quote.

In-house Training

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