Follow today's conference on Twitter: #RefugeeMentalHealth
Today's Chair:
Angelina Jalonen
Head of Therapeutic Services
The Refugee Council
A Refugee Perspective
Gulwali Passarlay
Author The Lightless Sky Activist
Consultant Passarlay Limited
EXTENDED SESSION: Improving support and providing access to healthcare for refugees arriving in the UK, mental health crisis support, and meeting IASC Guidelines
Dr Peter Gough
Doctors of the World UK, part of the Médecins du Monde network Trust
• Doctors of the World UK and our approach to improving mental health support for refugees
• barriers to accessing healthcare for refugees and how we seek to overcome these
• the ‘IASC Guidelines on MHPSS in Emergency Settings’ pyramid in practice
• responding to the MHPSS needs of Syrian refugees arriving in the UK
• learning from our work supporting refugees in transit and applying these lessons to the UK
• the importance of supporting volunteers and carers working with refugees