New Behaviour in Schools guidance released 

The Department for Education has released new guidance to support schools to improve and maintain high standards of behaviour and calm, safe and supportive environments for children to learn and thrive. 

"Well-managed schools create cultures where pupils and staff flourish in safety and dignity. It is particularly important that headteachers lead the creation and reinforcement of this culture, ensuring it permeates through every aspect of school life. Staff should be trained to make sure that they collectively embody this school culture, upholding the schools’ behaviour policy at all times and responding to misbehaviour consistently and fairly."

Department for Education 'Behaviour in Schools: Advice for headteachers and school staff' July 2022

View the Guidance

Following years of debate around the ‘behaviour crisis’, changes to guidance on behaviour in schools as well as the suspension and permanent exclusion guidance make it clear that behaviour in schools is a priority for the 2022/23 academic year. With the new guidance ‘Behaviour in Schools Advice for headteachers and school staff’ published on 13th July 2022, the forthcoming Creating Positive Behaviour Cultures in Schools CPD certified conference is perfectly timed to help you ensure you are up-to-date.

Taking place virtually on Thursday 24th November 2022 you will hear national updates and best practice advice from a range of experts in the field of school behaviour. You can also join the debate regarding the ability of these changes to meet the needs of children with special educational needs or disabilities. You’ll leave the day feeling confident that you are ready to tackle your new duties and obligations.

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