CAMHS National Summit 2022

Follow today's conference on Twitter: #CAMHS2022

Today's chair:

Dr Jon Goldin
Consultant Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Head of Service on Mildred Creak Unit, and
former Head of PAMHS and TPD
 Great Ormond Street Hospital NHS Trust;
Honorary Senior Lecturer Institute of Child Health



Transforming mental health services for children & young people and the importance of learning from lived experience


Cassandra Harrison
Chief Executive Officer
Youth Access


• how can a rights-based approach help to tackle current challenges?
• improving access to services for CYP
• improving the quality of services using young people’s feedback
• supporting early intervention and accessibility
• integrated, community-based services
• the role, opportunities and challenges for providers, commissioners, young people and the voluntary sector


Improving mental health services for children & young people during Covid-19, Transforming mental health services for children & young adults


Dr Harriet Stewart
FRCPsych and Consultant in Paediatric Liaison
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford


• the impact of Covid-19 on children and young people’s mental health
• how can we better support children and young people during & beyond Covid-19?
• improving mental health services for children and young people
• early intervention and accessibility to CYPMH services
• supporting children and young people in schools
• role of data and outcome measures
• meeting demand

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