Access Arrangements

News and updates from today's conference covering changes to 2022/23 regulations on access arrangements and reasonable adjustments, including JCQ guidance.

The use of assistive technology for assessment

Philippa Baillie Specialist Teacher
Dyslexia Outreach Service

• How assessment and assistive technologies interact
• The student experience of using assistive technology for exams
• Working with students and staff to ensure maximum benefit

Talking about assistive technology Philippa advised; “don’t let your barrier and worries about technology be their barrier” and went on to say; “young people need lots of time to become familiar with the technology they will be using in exams."

Working strategically around access arrangements

Sam Garner Mental Health & Inclusions Consultant

• The importance of policies and procedures
• Working with the SLT to support parental influence
• Improving communication with staff to minimise last minute requests

Sam asked the audience what their most difficult challenges are doing access arrangements, feedback included:

- time
- relationship with exam officer 
- volume of students 
- teaching staff - misconception 
- parents 
- students - stigma, no evidence to support
- linking with assessors 
- SLT support 

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