Embedding Anti-Racism in Schools Conference 2023

All schools must work towards embedding a culture of anti-racist values amongst staff, pupils, and the wider community. Central to that is creating an open and inclusive environment that facilitates conversation and discussion. The Embedding Anti-Racism in School Conference 2023 is the perfect place to start that conversation. It gives you, as a leader, the tools you need to continue that in your school community and actively work towards embedding anti-racism in your school. 

Follow the conference on Twitter #AntiRacismInSchools

Creating an Anti-Racist School Culture

Kenza Benamar
Show Racism the Red Card

• Conducting a self-audit of your school culture
• Developing anti-racism action plan
• Auditing and updating your policies and procedures
• Considering your obligations under current guidance and legislation


Addressing Racial Inequality in the Curriculum

Sabrina Edwards
Founder & Director
Educating for Equality

• Auditing your curriculum
• What does a diverse and anti-racist curriculum look like?


The Power of Language

Dr Chrissie DaCosta
Academic Skills Advisor
University of Suffolk

• Understanding the negative impact language can have
• Having conversation around language
• Encouraging reflection
• How to talk about language with pupils and the whole school community

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