Autism in Education Conference 2023

One in every 100 children in the UK is now estimated to have autism, of which 70% are in mainstream education. But parents and families feel that their needs aren't being met. The recent SEND review has highlighted the challenges facing students with SEND and the need for urgent change. The  Supporting Children with Autism in Education Conference provided some practical ways for you to enhance your provision for your autistic pupils including;

Understanding the Distinctive Needs of Pupils with Autism:

  • If they don't learn the way you teach, teach the way they learn
  • Processing time activity: Providing 10 seconds for pupils to process

Creating a Positive Learning Environment:

  • The physical layout of a room is crucial:  Not too cluttered, label areas of the room, not over stimulating, creating a safe space to go

From Dysregulated to Ready to Learn: Proactive Support Strategies

  • All children with Autism are unique but a consistent approach is key
  • Communication Pyramid: Attention and listening > Play > Understanding (receptive) > Using (expressive) > Speech sounds
  • As teachers, how are you using language to communicate? Are you being understood? Are you being explicit enough?

Managing change and Supporting Transitions

  • Involving parents in supporting their child to prepare for the next steps is crucial
  • Creating a one page profile that can be easily accessed by anyone interacting with your autistic pupil can help support transition

Supporting the Learning of Girls on the Autistic Spectrum

  • There is a huge issue of under-identification of girls with autism, party due to to masking.
  • Did you know that people with Autism can have an incredibly high pain threshold?
  • Have you considered an 'Unbuddy bench'

Teaching Effective Social Understanding and Why We Need To

  • Neurotypical children learn social skills subconsciously and incredibly quickly. Neurodiverse children don't - we have to help them

Promoting Inclusion for Autistic Pupils

  • Is there new case law coming?
  • If 30% of your school is SEND then 30% of your school council needs to SEND
  • Are you using a Dyslexia friendly font?

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