Pupil Premium Strategy Conference 2023: Improving Outcomes for Disadvantaged Learners

This conference has been designed to help schools can get the most out of their pupil premium funding by putting in place a robust, evidence-based pupil premium strategy. 

 Beyond the pupil premium

Sean Harris
Trust Improvement Lead, teacher educator, journalist, author

• Understanding how to better diagnose local need and frame concepts of disadvantage in schools/classrooms
• Thinking beyond the pupil premium - e.g. school improvement and action planning beyond that of the PP as a way of tackling educational disadvantage
• Crafting curriculum with disadvantage in mind and tackling misconceptions
• Responding to the cost of living crisis as school leaders and teachers

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Research suggests disadvantaged children and families have been hit harder than most other groups when it comes to the pandemic. We know from academic research that whilst pupil premium is convenient and useful at times, we cannot use this as the only measure to identify and respond to disadvantage in education. 

The cost of living crisis is the leading cause of anxiety in children and young people- we are finding that some of our children and families are more open to discussing their own finances and poverty in general. 

What do we mean by disadvantage and/or poverty? 
- pronounced deprivation of wellbeing 
- we cannot talk about poverty without considering household wellbeing, health and sustained poverty
- this isn't only in education, it permeates all parts of a child's life 
i.e. cashless system helps you as a school, but might not help families who take cash out for budgeting reasons

What does poverty look like in your community? There is a number of things you can do to check poverty level in your community, like poverty research action groups, organisations like Poverty Proofing or even parents evenings or coffee mornings to signpost support in newsletters.  

Thinking beyond the pupil premium:
- In an average UK school classroom, 9 pupils are living in definitive poverty (pre-pandemic, 2019-2020 statistics)
- Some studies show that children from low income homes will already have 60% lower cognitive scores than pupils from higher income homes


Using Pupil Premium to Deliver Quality First Teaching

Matt Bromley
Bromley Education

• Why hasn’t the Pupil Premium worked better and what can we do about it?
• What approaches are proven to work best and show evidenced improvement?
• It all starts with Quality First Teaching - but what is it?
• What are the features of effective CPD for teachers to help them deliver Quality
First Teaching?

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Matt started with highlighting the Simon Sinek, Start With Why with three circles, why in the centre going outwards to how and what

He highlights that Sinek going into how the most successful organisations start in the middle, articulate with why

Why should we use the pupil premium to deliver quality first teaching?

He looked at the IFS Deat review, with one of the main headlines being “children from disadvantaged families perform significantly worse at schools than their better-off peers”

Matt stated that “education inequalities equate to earning inequalities later in life”


Cath Bryant
Head of Education Partnerships

• An overview of the ring-fenced funding available to schools for tuition
• Maximising the effectiveness of tutoring, one of the most impactful and low-cost interventions (ref. EEF)
• Case studies on how school leaders have provided support to their pupils post-pandemic with stricter budgets

MyTutor is an online tuition platform trusted by 1300+ UK schools. We match students from KS2-KS5 with tutors from top UK universities to reinforce classwork, fill learning gaps, and boost attainment. We’ve provided personalised 3:1 and 1:1 tuition to over 2M students, and are a National Tutoring Programme (NTP) Tuition Partner. MyTutor students typically make 1 whole grade of progress after one term of lessons - over 2.5x the progress of their peers. Lessons take place online, conveniently slotting into students' timetables, and tuition programmes can be set up within 3 weeks. 
Learn more: mytutor.co.uk/schools/

NTP Funding - How To

How to work with MyTutor

The MyTutor Funding Report

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